Relacja z konferencji Experiential Educators Europe 2017

Tegoroczna, 21.edycja niezwykłej konferencji jaką jest Experiential Educators Europe 2017, odbyła się w dniach 5-9 maja 2017, w Munch w Niemczech. W wydarzeniu wzięło udział niespełna 100 trenerów, coachów, edukatorów zainteresowanych działaniami w obszarze experiential education.

Wydarzenie poprzedziła pre-konferencja, która zaczynała się w dwóch różnych miejscach (Amsterdam, Kolonia) a zgrupowanie nastąpiło w ośrodku Outward Bound w Belgii. Pre-konferencja miała charakter prywatno-turystyczny (zajęcia linowe z Rogerem Greenawayem: bezcenne!), dlatego nie będę jej specjalnie opisywać.

Dlaczego EEE jest taka niezwykła? Właściwie, bliższe tej formule byłoby sformułowanie gathering niż konferencja, ponieważ jest to spotkanie grupy stanowiącej unikatową społeczność. Naczelnym hasłem EEE jest give to recive i całe wydarzenie zorganizowane jest w formie open space. Więcej o fenomenie EEE napisałam w relacji z zeszłorocznej edycji.

Tegorocznej edycji przyświecał motyw Amikejo, co w Esperanto oznacza „Ziemia Przyjaźni”. Koncepcja ta nawiązywała do historii niezależnego państwa Morsenet , które istniało na styku obecnej Belgii, Holandii i Niemiec. Z tych krajów pochodzili uczestnicy będący organizatorami tegorocznej konferencji.

Bogactwo oferowanych warsztatów zachwyciło jak zwykle. W tym roku, w odróżnieniu od poprzednich edycji, w których brałam udział, było znacznie mniej warsztatów o charakterze coachingowym. Zapanowała za to moda na pracę z ciałem. W programie znalazły się zarówno warszaty teoretyczne (turkusowe organizacje, praca z rolami grupowymi) jak i wiele, wiele warsztatów praktycznych. Nie zabrakło oczywiście nowych propozycji ćwiczeń teambuildingowych, warsztatu opowiadaczy (storyteling) oraz praktycznych propozycji dla pracy z grupą nad specyficznymi zagadnieniami (np. radzenie sobie z konfliktem, praca z publicznością, tabu w pracy trenerskiej, syndrom czarnej owcy). W propozycjiach EEE często znajdują się warsztaty rozwijające samych trenerów – co szczególnie doceniam. W tym roku było to „wychodzenie” z trudnych emocji, tworzenie wizji własnej marki, metody i techniki uważności oraz relaksacji (mindfulness). Odbyło się również kilka warsztatów poświęconych specyficznym, nieoczywistym narzędziom treningowym takim jak golf gumowymi kurczakami 🙂 czy tajwański Jumping Drum. Poniżej zamieszczam opis kilkunastu warsztatów, ukazujących różnorodność metod, technik i podejść, które obecnie interesują trenerów experiential education.

Pośród tegorocznych prelegentów można było spotkać wiele trenerskich sław: dr Rogera Greenawaya (który poprowadził świetny warsztat Do Ut Des: facilitating helpfulness as a learning strategy), wybitnych terapeutów z nurtu adventure therapy; Franka Granta, Luka Peetersa i Geoffreya McMullana czy „weteranów” pracy w nurcie pedagogiki przeżyć, Michaela Rehma czy Christofa Siebnera. Dużym wydarzeniem był warsztat Pascala Van Loo, który jest bliskim współpracownikiem Laloux’a – twórcy koncepcji turkusowych organizacji, który dzielił się swoim doświadczeniem przekształcania administracji samorządowej w modelu turkusowym.

W tym roku grupa trenerów z Polski była wyjątkowo liczna i aktywna 🙂 Wszyscy z grupy 6 wspaniałych 🙂 prowadzili lub współprowadzili warsztaty. Głośnym echem odbijały się relacje z warsztatu „The Island” – building bridges in relationships prowadzonego przez Michała Kubika.

Ja miałam przyjemność współprowadzić warsztat From thought to knot (wraz z Igorem Lisinem i Adnreiem Dumitrescu) o grach i ćwiczeniach z wykorzystaniem węzłów oraz poprowadziłam autorski warsztat o programie SessionLab do projektowania programów szkoleniowych.

Uczestnicząc w warsztatach, wybrałam w tym roku ścieżkę adventure therapy, ponieważ nurt ten interesuje mnie od kilku lat, a w Polsce właściwie nie istnieje. Mam nadzieję, że spodziewany przyjazd do Polski Franka Granta to zmieni 🙂

Niezwykłe wrażenie zrobił na mnie warsztat na wysokim parku linowym dla osób na wózkach. Pierwszy raz miałam okazję zobaczyć taki obiekt, których w Niemczech jest kilka. Specjalna konstrukcja umożliwia zjazd na tzw. tyrolce (zip-line) osobie poruszającej się na wózku. Park jednocześnie zawiera aktywności dedykowane osobom poruszającym się o własnych nogach. Kiedy doczekamy się w Polsce wysokich parków linowych dla celów edukacyjnych (1) a następnie włączających (2) ? Ten w Munch ma już kilkanaście lat….

Przyszłoroczna konferencja odbędzie się na Litwe w dniach 1-3 maja. Mimo gorącego, outdoorowego sezonu, termin ten jest w moim kalendarzu zarezerwowany na EEE 2018 🙂

Oto lista niektórych warszatów z EEE 2017:

Susanne Skoruppa iRest (Integrative Restoration / Yoga Nidra) On one morning and one evening of the conference, I will offer a 60 minute iRest session. iRest is a form of Yoga Nidra, the Yogic sleep – a guided meditation that is practiced laying down and endeavors to tap into the restorative power of the state between being awake and being asleep. Visit for more information. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket as we will practice laying on the floor and the body temperature will lower.
frank grant Nature’s Doorway activity We will explore the concept of how Nature can assist individuals to address issues that they harbour deep in the psyche. Then we will build a large doorway in Nature using natural items laying around and when completed, will use it to do a therapeutic exercise based on the Oglala Lakota Native American Indians approach to self-healing.
Ralph Kolen Interactive presentations To present yourself on a stage in front of a big group is not something we all enjoy. But when we know how to interact with a big group and how we can use them and there energie it becomes something you enjoy doing and want to do more and more. During this workshop I let you experience my tools that I use in my theatershows and inspirationsessions. And together we try to find the style that suits you the best. So leave your stagefear at home and awake the speaker in you.
Jantje Hinze Posture, Tension, Balance: Self-Awareness in Sensing a Partner Taijiquan is a Chinese Martial and Movement Art that allows the practitioner to consciously perceive her/his own inner and outer balance and connection to his/her surroundings. This workshop introduces some basic techniques of Taijiquan which will then be applied in a playful way in partner exercises.
Luk Peeters The meaning of and dealing with the scapegoat phenomenon in working with teams and organizations Cabeza de turco, bouc émissaire, bünbak, zondebok, blorabôgglar, kabsh alfada’, capro espiatorio, sündenbock, syndebukk. … It seems that the scapegoat ‘phenomenon’ is a universal one. In this workshop we’ll explore how it comes alive in an Adventure therapy context, what it tells us about group norms, culture and developmental tasks and how we can deal with it in a satisfying way.
The goal of the workshop is to heighten the understanding of the mechanism and the reasons for scapegoating and being able to locate it in a group context an culture as well as providing some ideas how to deal with it.
Ammy & Andy Kuiper & Leipelt The Towel Folding Magic Experience 2.0 After taking this workshop home from last years’ conference, we explored the possibilities of this -initially and seemingly- simple activity a bit further…
Wonderful instrument to explore with teams the growing tension between individual and group goals, and the pride and fun of actually making it together!
Dorota Mejri Design Thinking – creative resolution of problems Design thinking is a method for practical, creative resolution of problems and creation of solutions. It is a form of solution-based, or solution-focused thinking with the intent of producing a constructive future result. By considering both present and future conditions and parameters of the problem, several alternative solutions may be explored.Within one and a half hours we will go through the design thinking process (define, research, ideate, prototype, choose, implement, and lear).[4] Within these seven steps, problems can be framed, the right questions can be asked, more ideas can be created, and the best answers can be chosen. The steps aren’t linear; can occur simultaneously and be repeated.And we will have much fun and creative team work 🙂
Michael Rehm Rubber Chicken Golf A really funny group activity – we play golf with special Rubber Chicken Golf Sticks on a spcial designed Rubber Chicken Golf Course setting Rubber Chickens on a flight around the seminar center.

There is teamwork and fun for sure included.
For more info lokk at

Sibylle Schoenert „White Elephants and Holy Cows”– taboos in groups and organizations We are all facing taboos in our daily lives – and we are quite aware of those in culture and society. But how about taboos in the groups and organizations we are working with? How can we as facilitators become aware of things people are not talking about? How can we work with them and maybe even use them? What is the difference between a taboo and a “no-go”? The workshop may offer some answers, is about sharing experiences too, and helps to develop ideas how to handle taboos.
Barbaree van den Ende Listen with your eyes Insight in the impact of non-verbal communication by video analysis helps us to communicate beter with each other and accept the diversity between people more. Through the video analysis, you are confronted with your own life strategies and the way you interact with your environment. You will gain insight in your own qualities, as well as your personal obstacles. In de workshop the basis strategies will be explained in an interactive way.
Pascal Van Loo Teal organisation in practice (Laloux) I had the change to work in 2 government agencies as an internal Organization coach for 3 years now. We’ve built our own version of what Frédéric Laloux calls a Teal organization. What I could do is to share some of the practices and interventions we did in a rigid environment fi. What happens when you skip all hierarchy? How do you reinvent all your HR practices? What personal transition does the CEO has to make? … Experience in organizational change is needed.
Michał Kubik „The Island” – building bridges in relationships The workshop is built upon the open-eneded experience for the group of 10 minimum. We will explore the nature of relationships and how we build bonds and connections with the outer world. It is fascinating and revealing, usually full of some surprising discoveries, extremely useful for everyday life.
Carlos Bobbert Enter and exit an emotion We will practice a method that allows you experience an emotion and power out of it, both at will. That is possible, through different breathing rhythms, body muscles and face, and precise and controlled postural attitudes related to different basic emotions. It is concerned with the outward expressions of emotions without analyzing the causes or cognitive attributes, nor the consequences of emotional state. We will put these physical and postural elements intentionally into action to produce the desired emotional state and having control over them as it can stop the process by making a “Step Out”. Last year we explore angry, this time I propose TENDERNESS.
Krzysztof Ruba Releasing the tensions – deep relaxation methods Releasing tensions – is a workshop based on methods of Alexander Lowen, TREE, yoga and autogenic training.
We will do exercises on mats, in pairs, with our body and the mind.
The goal is to release the tensions from the body, reconnect with emotions and allow the mind to be quiet and relaxed.
If you have your own mat and blanket bring it, if not we will figure out sth. You will need a comfortable clothes for the exercises.
Dana Borontis World touch This would be a small introduction into some world data, and how we are all connected and in the same time disconnected with eachother. What do we know about the world we live in? Do we really know about the world we live in?
Christof Siebner Prisoner’s Dilemma Most of us will have their versions but, I saw a notion in the Workshop request section. Therefore I offer to run a section followed by an Exchange of experience with different ways of debriefieng etc.
Barbara Behrens (Braun) Conflict Management with Virginia Satir (Systemic Approach) 2 Parts:
1. Personal (Move, Feel, Act and Reflect)
-> Find out more about your own personal behaviour in conflicts
o See, where it is functional – dysfunctional
o Make a first step towards “more functional”2. Professional (Work :-))
-> How can we use this approach when working with individuals and teams?
Roger Greenaway Do Ut Des: facilitating helpfulness as a learning strategy Let’s explore various ways in which the roles of helper and helped can be rotated among participants – with a mix of ready-made and workshop-made examples.
More detail …
Collecting positive feedback for yourself can feel awkward. If doing this for someone else you would feel really awkward if you did not do this well.
Creating a future vision for yourself (using art or poetry) can work out OK, but if you are doing this for someone else you will really try to do the best you can.
Seeking solutions to your own problems can be dispiriting. Finding yourself responsible for helping someone else solve a problem can be highly energising.
These various ways of helping others appeal both to altruism and to self-interest when the helper knows that their turn will come to be helped by others.
Lesley Greenaway EEE Voices – exploring our values of experiential learning During the year I have been introduced to using podcasts in an online learning course that I developed. In the workshop I want to try out using podcasts for EEE. Yes, we will make a podcast to explore our understanding and what we value about experiential learning, and I will share the online learning course as an example. BUT – I DO NEED SOME HELP. I need to find someone who has greater techy skills than me and can get the podcast together. Please get in touch to be my co-worker.
Andreu Mateu How to sell your knowledge online How to covert your event organizer skills in digital products and sell them online.
Aga Leśny Session Lab SessionLab is the dynamic, online tool. It is a way to design your workshop and collaborate with your co-facilitators. Tool was create by trainers and it is really easy for no-geek users 🙂 SessionLab makes designing process easy and less time-consuming. Plenty of options allows you to manage time, check-list of materials, create a library with your favorite activities. When you invite a collaborator for your workshop or training plan – can work together at the same time on your plan. I am happy to share with you my experience in working with a program and show you some tricks that would make your designing process easier. For this workshop you need laptop with internet connection.
Jac Rongen Making sense out of thin air Archery can be used to get to the here and now fast. What happens getting there and after that, is worth a look at, or a review.

We will offer complementing archery and reviewing sessions.

Julie Dinesen Corporate Branding Since last conference I have done a development program for „one man” bands – which means self-employed individual companies in the artist industry. One of the tools we uses is a corporate branding model by Hatch and Schultz called: VCI model.
In this workshop you can explorer your own company (also if it is only you 😉 to see if there is any „gaps” between the vision, culture and image. The goal is for you to get to know the model, you to look at your own company in an corporate branding optic and for us to reflect on the use in an experiential perspective. See you!
Linda Dunckert Circus to Go I would like you to follow me into the world of circus. The world of balance, acrobatics, juggling and teamplaying. Artists need to have confidence in each other and by the means of artistic exercises, juggling and much more I would like you to find partners you can trust and people you can work with. You do not need to be very athletic or articulated but you should not be afraid of getting into touch (physically) with your colleagues. Trainers are no must. If the weather is not too humid the workshop can be carried out outdoor, too.
Jan Kragsig Pigtrap I hope that in this workshop we will discover the happy marrige of playfulness, creativity and ingenuity. Participants will play with creativity, and ultimately build a machine that can trap the pig.
Sandor (Alex) Banyai Magic Tubes A really nice (d)icebreaker and after this some good and happy team-building activities with a special tools (something like a tube…). From first level to the higher chellenge with one tools for kids and adults too… Let’s try it!


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